Services & Rates
Online Tutoring

My tutoring sessions completely revolve around the abilities and experiences of each child. I take a comprehensive and collaborative approach in creating a plan that is right for every child. I identify and target gaps in learning and help build academic confidence. Adjusting to different personalities and specific academic and behavioral needs, I meet your child where they're at and progress them forward.
What I provide:
● Individualized instruction based on what your child needs
● Hands-on practice and skill repetition
● Research-based curriculum and materials
55 minutes
In-Person Tutoring

I tailor my Online Tutoring to fit each child's unique needs and circumstances. I identify and target the gaps in learning. Under my professional guidance, your child will gain confidence and make academic progress.
What I provide:
● Individualized instruction based on what your child needs
● Zoom platform with 1:1 instruction
● Practice and skill repetition
● Research-based curriculum
● Online materials and tools
55 minutes